Back in June of last year I posted an idea on what I termed "meeting room in a box" which for me evolved into Conference 2.0.
Trawling around the web last weekend I stumbled across an entry on on Attend Conferences Without Being There.
Some of the basic ideas and concepts are very similar, in particular the idea of follow up for networking using LinkedIn.
Many of the IT centric conferences are starting to catch on to the idea and this is also being driven from some of the attendees who blog about it during and immediately after the event.
I think that there will soon be a large adoption of these concepts possibly even with access link WebEx after to get paraphrased versions of the keynote speeches, another use for podcasts and video casts.
Trawling around the web last weekend I stumbled across an entry on on Attend Conferences Without Being There.
Some of the basic ideas and concepts are very similar, in particular the idea of follow up for networking using LinkedIn.
Many of the IT centric conferences are starting to catch on to the idea and this is also being driven from some of the attendees who blog about it during and immediately after the event.
I think that there will soon be a large adoption of these concepts possibly even with access link WebEx after to get paraphrased versions of the keynote speeches, another use for podcasts and video casts.